A week off

Well our communication with the outside world was down for the week...no phone, no internet. And while it was annoying, it was a bit nice to forget about it for a few days. Now that I have it back though...it feels good to be back and blogging (yes the dorkiness never ends)
Well as you may be able to tell from the photo, I finally bought Happy Hooker. Which brings me to tell my story...
At 9 years old my grandma taught me to knit. I knit a 12x12 square (it was suppose to be a blanket for my teddy bear) but I never even bound off and it remained a tangled mess in my drawer well into my teens. Forgotten in the whirl wind of high school dramas my craftiness turned towards mainly ceramics and jewelry making, and I even attempted to sew together a few tops. And then there was a crafty draught in this girls life (enter working and parties).
Then about 2 and 1/2 ;years a go I found myself sitting bored on my couch, all of my girlfriends (really...every last one of 'em) studying abroad in countries far away. So I went to JoAnn's picked up a learn how to crochet kit and a ball of yarn (the worst yarn I have every purchased...hard, stiff, and very acrylic) and set off on a crocheting adventure. Finally one of my friends came home and we decided to be crafty together. Her mom taught her to knit and she brought over her shiny orange knitting needles and a scarf on the go. As I sat in one corner of the couch struggling with my hook and ropey yarn she happily clicked away progressing on her soon to be soft and cuddly scarf. I was jealous...and crochet became no more. I went and bought a trendy Urban Outfitters knitting kit and whipped out a yellow and pink striped scarf, the lessons from my grandma shining thru in little sparks as I cast on, knit and bound off. oh the satisfaction. I continued knitting random scarves for about 15 months and then debbie stoller entered my life with her Stitch n' Bitch books and there was no turning back. Knitting is my life and brinking on an unhealthy obsession.
So crochet...curiosity just got the best of me. I toyed with getting Stoller's Happy Hooker when it first came out. Even ordered it on Amazon...but I just couldn't do it. Thought "what do I need hooks for? I'm happy with my needles." So the order was cancelled. And temporarily forgotten. But that book just kept popping up. On blogs and in shops. And the patterns...oh the patterns...such good patterns. And slowly but surely I talked myself into "needing" this book. There tends to be a weird tension between knitters & crocheters, the highest offense it taken when ones fabric is mistaken for the oppostie craft. But I've decided for my love of fibers spun into yarn, and needles whether straight or hooked to blur the line of division and bring both crafts into my home and heart.
And I've got to say...I love crocheting. So fun and satisfying. Knitting will always be #1 in my heart, but crochet has found a cozy spot as #2. and for any other knitters out there who want to take a walk on the wild side...I definitely suggest this book and a hook. (that little purse? thats my "In Bloom" clutch from Happy Hooker, completed in a few hours, including time for my refresher course in crochet.) Fabulous.