i'll knit if i want to...or not

So this use to be my knitting blog, now its a purging place for all of my ramblings...whether it be craft, cooking, or just the craziness of my everyday life!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Where to stuff that Pecan Crumble...

In August, I think, I decided that I wanted to start a "zine" style vegan cookbook, coming out with a few volumes a year. The first one was originally going to be a summer issue...blueberry pie, barbecue seitan, ect, ect. It's now October, and I am still working on the first issue! But now as we transition into fall, barbecue just doesn't sound right! So I've been doing some tweaking and I finally came up with my final recipe! I am just finishing up my illustrations and it will finally be ready to go. 

In the meantime, here is that final recipe:

Baked Pecan Apples
~4 gala apples (smallish)
~1/2 cup oats
~1/2 cup whole wheat flour
~1/2 cup pecans, chopped
~2 tablespoons maple syrup
~2 tablespoons oil (I prefer to use safflower oil or untoasted sesame oil)
~1/4 teaspoon of each: cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, ginger, cloves
~Pinch salt
~1/4 cup apple juice or cider

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Form a cup out of each apple by cutting a cone out of the top, and scooping out any remaining core. In a bowl toss together the flour, oats, spices and pecans. Pour in the syrup and oil and mix well. Fill each apple with crumble. I prefer to bake these in my large muffin baking pan (grease the muffin cups). They fit the apples perfectly and keep it all tidy! If there is extra crumble, I put a scoop in the bottom of each muffin cup and place the apple on top. The apples can (and should!) be overflowing with crumble. Drizzle a tablespoon of the apple juice over each apple. Bake for about 30 to 35 minutes, until the apples are tender!

These are so easy, and can be ready by the time you finish dinner! Stay tuned for the full "cookbook", I plan to have it finished by the end of the week!


At 11:28 AM, Blogger Saskia said...

wow, that looks great. Too bad it's not a smelling blog... Can't wait to see the whole 'zine/cookbook!' :-)


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