i'll knit if i want to...or not

So this use to be my knitting blog, now its a purging place for all of my ramblings...whether it be craft, cooking, or just the craziness of my everyday life!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Tofurkey Day!

Seitan Roulade with Apple Rosemary Stuffing!

Thanksgiving was full of hours of cooking, but I think it was the best vegan feast anyone could hope for! Photos galore to follow:

We found these Japanese Sweet Potatoes the morning of the big day at the market. They looked absolutely gorgeous with the other yams I used from our local Boggy Creek Farm:

Here are the finished Candied Lime Sweet Potatoes, a recipe by VeganYumYum. Garnished with pastry leaves and hearts, and a few fresh cranberries.  I made these last year as well, and they are one of Aly's absolute favorites!!

Now for Katie Rose's favorite dish of the day, Green Bean Casserole (recipe from Fat Free Vegan Kitchen):

I, personally, have come to love cranberry sauce. I had never had it until just about a week a go, and I must say it is just delicious paired with the seitan roulade! I still have never had it out of a can, and can't say I ever plan to, but homemade with fresh organic cranberries..mmmm...

Another must have is "Macaroni Hates Cheese"
Even my cheese loving mother loves this. (It seems to be one of the things I am always making when I go home!) I don't make it to much these days, as it is full of many of the things I usually try to avoid, but on the holidays its just perfectly comforting!

Now last but not least...the pie! I actually made both apple and pumpkin, but the apple was so beautiful it hogged all of the pictures! The pumpkin was equally delicious though, I have really perfected my pumpkin pie recipe! Anyways...onward with more pictures!

Lastly, a close up of the pie so you can see my little heart and leaf cut outs :)

I hope that all of you had a happy day of thanks! I know we did! 


At 10:23 PM, Blogger Ruby Red said...

The seitan roulade looks amazing! I know that's quite a labor intensive recipe...I'm impressed. Love the cutouts on the pie, too. (But the cuteness wouldn't have stopped me from devouring it, though!!!)

At 1:32 PM, Blogger Bunnys said...

Everything looks amazing!! Those potatoes look so fun! I want to try a little of everything please. Maybe we can have Thanksgiving together next year :) Miss you!


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