i'll knit if i want to...or not

So this use to be my knitting blog, now its a purging place for all of my ramblings...whether it be craft, cooking, or just the craziness of my everyday life!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Baking on....

Hey y'all!

We are working on our myspace now : http://myspace.com/veganbakery . Please check it out for photos, pricing, and ordering.

You can email us at atxveganbakers@gmail.com for any orders or questions.

We are currently accepting orders for cakes, pies, cookies, breakfast pastries, and any other special requests your heart desires!

We will also be planning some special bake sales (thinking halloween...thanksgiving???)

Thank you again to everyone who has been there for us during this difficult time and we will continue to spread our baked vegan love!

andrea (517)624-7903 & kathryn (512)351-6502


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