
So here is (finally) a picture of an FO. It is the Super-Easy Leg Warmers from LMKG. I used Lambs Pride for the heavier yarn, and Jo Sharp Mohair for the dark green bits you see. I l.o.v.e. how long they are (26 inches!). this is really only half of a finished object because I have yet to knit its partner. Due to me trying to save money and be strict on my spending, I forced myself to wait until my next pay day to buy more yarn for the other warmer.
Luckily yesterday was payday:

I decided to do it in different colors because I didn't really get the effect I wanted with the first one. I love how it turned out, but I am really interested in how the author of Last Minute Knitted Gifts (where this pattern is from) holds a mohair yarn with the heavier yarn and the effect is that it almost glows. My color choice for the first leg warmer was a bit to contrasting so I didn't get that effect. I think these oranges will work nicer. And it is always fun using different colors...I have never been one to match. I am especially excited for that little tiny bundle of Habu mohair/silk blend. It looks like it is just a sample of yarn, but there is actually almost 200 yards in that neat little package!
So in the meantime I have been working on a sweater for JFC. I had originally started this a year a go. Yes over 12 months a go I cast on for this puppy and then after knitting up to his underarms I realized it was WAY. TOO. BIG. so into a basket it went and I didn't touch it again until just a few days a go.

It is the Berkshire Pullover from Weekend Knits. I am making it 2 sizes smaller than I had originally planned, and I added ribbing to the bottom instead of the roll bottom in the book. Now lets just hope I finish it this time.
And lastly...This just really tickled my giggle bone:

Last night we were at our neighborhood bar, the Peanut Barrel, and at this particular bar they give you bowls of peanuts and you get to just drop your peanut shells on the floor and it is very novelty indeed. Well It seems that this lady had her jacket a little too close to the floor because she had half of a shell stuck just so on her collar as she was getting ready to leave. And it really just gave me a belly laugh. heh heh heh