Grandmas and Oatmeal
Well with all of this cold weather knocking at our door, there is just nothing better to start the day with than hot porridge. Which immediately brings to mind my grandma. Everytime we would stay at my grandparents house there were 2 things you could be sure to get...stove-popped popcorn and oatmeal with milk and brown sugar. (You could always count on dessert too, but that is a given!) I don't remember having it anywhere else but their house. I loved the way the brown sugar would melt on top of the warm oatmeal. My grandma was very good at warming us kids up...she knit every single one of her grandkids a blanket, letting us pick out the color (mine was turquoise). And she always made us warm, home-cooked meals like soup and on at least one occasion, from what my mother tells me, rabbit and squirrel stew, which I guess I l-o-v-e-d in my pre-vegetarian days.
So thanks grandma...for playing cards with me, teaching me to knit, and giving me a love of all things homemade (even if one of those happened to include rabbits and squirrels).
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