i'll knit if i want to...or not

So this use to be my knitting blog, now its a purging place for all of my ramblings...whether it be craft, cooking, or just the craziness of my everyday life!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

New Knitting Books!!

Amazon brought me a treat yesterday. The knitting book stash just keeps growing larger. I am really excited about both of these books. It seems like everyone has LMKG, and after seeing so many finished Hourglass Sweaters on other peoples blogs I just had to get it. There are so many great patterns, all of which are simple. I also appreciate the time frames she estimates for the projects...its just nice to have something to go on.

I didn't expect Knit2Together to really be a book I would like (don't ask me why), but I started peeking thru it and the patterns are amazing. I plan to start these puppies today:

My Baudelaire socks are just bigger than I would like so I think I will frog them and use the yarn to make these legwarmers. I mean I seriously have never seen anything so cute. I l-o-v-e the little ruffle and tassle. And the fact that they have a heel! Baudelaire isn't a lost cause though, I think I will just by some fun sock yarn that is the appropriate weight.


At 12:26 PM, Blogger Sabrina Hirsch said...

Andrea! Those leg warmers are amazing, can't wait to see 'em.

At 9:52 AM, Blogger Saskia said...

such a coincidence, I just bought a whole bunch of books online from my birthday money. I can't wait to see them for real. I found out that amazon germany had a lot cheaper offers so I'm really really stoked. I got 6 books fot the price of about 4!!

I'll keep you posted!


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