So this use to be my knitting blog, now its a purging place for all of my ramblings...whether it be craft, cooking, or just the craziness of my everyday life!
Friday, February 09, 2007
Weird Austin
Well I have arrived in Austin and so far its a big thumbs up. There is a wonderful positive vibe here and I am really looking forward to exploring my new home.
In the meantime...I have been knitting (seeing as how I haven't found a job yet..I have a bit of time on my hands!). I finished my wicked...but no pictures yet. It turned out very well I promise...coming soon!
In the meantime I whipped up these little "Flat-mates Washcloths".
And this picture is just because I was tickled pink with out neat and tidy my fair isle was on the back...
Let me begin by saying I am proud to be a Michigander. And this hoodie...well this hoodie rocks. Flat out...its awesome.
Now...on to the knitting.
I am proud to say I have finally moved on from washcloths and mittens and into a more exciting project that I actually feel like posting about. (Now don't get me wrong...mittens and washcloths are definitely post-worthy...its just that I have been reusing the same pattern again and again, and they are all packed up in a box and on their merry way to Texas and I didn't even take a picture...)Moving on, that pretty lil' thang up there is Wicked! I am using a superwash merino, hand dyed at Woven Art. There are numerous things I love about this pattern...#1 Its so so cute...Gay's finished Wicked is what inspired me to knit this little diddy up #2 I love the helpful hints thru-out the pattern on ways to shape and size so that it fits the individual how it should #3 i plan to do the short-sleeve version, which means I had to buy only 1 skein of this yarn! (ok so it was a 500 yard skein) but still to make a sweater for under $30.00...n.i.c.e.
And finally...I was so excited about Wicked that I went back to and ordered Rusted Root. I l.o.v.e. the puckered sleeves. Again...a sweater for under $30.00! I am using the recommended Brown Sheep cotton fleece yarn, but in "Mint Condition".
So yes my friends, I am back...with a vengeance. Its time to get my knitting freak on...and I have been doing so in every spare minute of my day!