Hugging Trees
When I was about 6 I ran face first into a tree. But thats another story.
This is a camisole I designed back in June. I hadn't shown it because I had submitted it to try and be published. But unfortunately it wasn't what she was looking for. As I read the rejection email...I felt like running into a tree again.
I felt a bit sad, and then a bit embarassed. You know ...the whole "what made me think that I could design something they would want? I'm not good at this. Thank goodness I am going back to school in a year" kinda talk. But I feel better now. And I am happy to finally show it off. I love all of its crafty goodness. I love that I am a knitter. Life is good...even if I do still have the scar from running into that tree all those years a go. Me and knitting...and trees - we're like apples and bananas and oranges.
heh heh
hear! hear!
as I told you before; it's beautifull and you áre designing, thát's the point. Keep on keeping on! I bet even Wendy from Knit & Tonic has had patterns rejected. There's always something or someone that fits the profile better, that has nothing to do with you and your designing! It rocks and so do you!
Trees. . . aren't they the best?
I say; post that pattern a.s.a.p.
Pick yourself up, dust yourself off. Start again....Besides, what do they know?
You are waaay cool. (And so is your little shirt over there....)
From everything I have read, folks submit things over and over before someone realizes "hey this is awesome stuff" so don't give up!!!
Can't wait to hug you in person, but I am sending a hug across the miles to you right now.
Love you too much, mom
Girl - that's amazing! I don't need to tell you that it's their loss..blah blah blah. Self-publish the pattern and there you go!
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