Last Minute
So I have been a slack blogger...I know. But I just haven't been able to muster up the patience, time or energy. Tomorrow we leave to go back to the states. And i feel all nervous. Why? I don't know. Maybe its because this is the longest I have ever been away...maybe because I am leaving my new home for a whole 4 months...maybe because I am going to go back to work at the restaurant and I know I will be asked 20 times a day "oh you're back! did things not work out in N.z?" and then I will have to explain in as few words as possible...yes things are working out just fine thanks just home for a (long) visit and need to make some money (which already feels like way too long of an explanation). Also I won't see JFC for almost 3 months. That's a long time. And I'm not looking forward to it.
but I am looking forward to seeing my family and my friends and going to the peanut barrel, and good yarn stores (oooo the yarn stores) and riding a bike and looking thru all of the books and magazines at barnes and noble and then not buying them, and being able to get anything and everything my little heart desires, and good sushi and the list goes on and on...
So I'm excited...and i'm nervous....and really all that has been looping thru my head for the past 2 months is "can' you believe we're leaving in (insert lenght of time here) ?? isn't that nuts?) and rather than bore you with that phrase as i have done with jfc, I have just left the posting. I am sure I will have lots and lots to say in just a day or 2.
And as for knitting..well Lets just say I have worked my butt off on that sweater from Knitting Nature...and its finished. Finally. But i have new plans for that sweater. and so you won't see it for a little while yet. and right this second i am not knitting one damn thing. heh heh. i need a minibreak(okay i don't really...but i am kind of being forced into one)...and with all of the craziness of flying and heightened security I figured I will just start fresh once I have crossed borders. In the meantime I have 2 new lovely knitting magazines and a crossword book to keep me busy while traveling. and I will do my darndest to be a better blogger once everything settles down just a wee bit.
Happy travels and good luck, I am staying tuned! what new sweater from knitting nature are you speaking of? I am thinking about starting the asymetrical cardi...exciting!
Bon voyage Drea & JFC!! Have loads of fun and don't wait to long before you blog again! :-)
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