i'll knit if i want to...or not

So this use to be my knitting blog, now its a purging place for all of my ramblings...whether it be craft, cooking, or just the craziness of my everyday life!

Monday, April 17, 2006

The Culprit

3 a.m. woken out of deep sleep thinking that we are being robbed...shake awake JFC. Peer towards the window and see the silhouette of a small feline trying its darndest to break in thru the window. Try to fall back asleep and ignore it...she begins meowing.

4 a.m. JFC gets too hot, opens window a tiny crack...but not enough for any small animals to get thru.

7 a.m. after nonstop attempts the smitten kitten finally forces the window open wide enough to sidle her way thru. Jumps inside and straight on to our bed where she begins clawing at everything soft (including skin) and purring/meowing.

At this point I can no longer sleep so I get up and decide to just enjoy the company of the cat until we find out what the deal is. What can I say..its hard not to like a cute little cat. She is being good, although we notice she gets frantic whenever she is left alone...follows us everywhere.

10 a.m. sit down to knit, enjoying the cat purring next to me.

11 a.m. she tries to bite me...I am left feeling a bit shocked...and well, hurt. Talk about a stab in the back...we let you in, hang out, pet you, you knit with me...and then WHAM! you decide to try and bite me. I force her to sit farther away and she pouts and looks away from me

2 p.m. time to go visit JFC's grandma and parents (aka time for the cat to leave the house...we dont' let her stay when we aren't here). so even though it is raining we make her go out. she hadn't eaten or gone to the bathroom since 7 a.m. she goes and sits in the shelter.

5 p.m. we return to see her waiting by the door, we let her in and she gets warm by the fire. JFC leaves to go talk to the neighbors and find out information

Present time...she just puked on the kitchen floor after trying to eat some crumbs out from under the dishwasher. *sigh* I think this little smitten needs a home, and fast, we are going to talk to our landlord tomorrow and see if we can keep her if we can't find out who she belongs to...in the meantime, i have cat vomit to attend to.

Update: well the kitten is much happier, sitting with a full belly in front of the fire. we finally broke down and fed her. We just got too worried that she was abandoned, or had run away...and i think we made the right decision because she scarfed down her cat food like there was no tomorrow (even made weird little gremlin sounds while she did it)


At 12:58 AM, Blogger Saskia said...

Oh my gosh, she's so cute. I hope the landlord lets you keep her. A cat is so much fun to have (excl.the occasional vommiting, biting and clawing, but hey, we all get our 'periods' every now and then...)

paw from me to the smitten kitten!

At 2:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful kitten! I'm afraid she is sick from eating toxic plants. This is very common for outdoor cats. Should see a vet as soon as possilbe. Hope she'll get better soon.

At 10:58 AM, Blogger Delia said...

ha ha... you do realize that cats alone decide who their owners will be, right?

My ex-roommate and I wound with with 2 additional cats in the exact same manner you just described!

At 4:36 PM, Blogger Beverley said...

Sorry but you are now offically cat owners!! We were gifted with our lovely cat in the same way. She was the neighbours but decided the grass was greener over the fence.

Still feel quilty a bit about it , especially when their little girl comes over to visit "her " cat. [But they insisted on leaving it out side every night and all weekend when a kitten.]

Good luck with the landlord!!

Knit on >^..^<


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