i'll knit if i want to...or not

So this use to be my knitting blog, now its a purging place for all of my ramblings...whether it be craft, cooking, or just the craziness of my everyday life!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Learning more everyday

I hate packing. I think most people hate packing. Packing and moving. They just aren't enjoyable things to do. Why? Well because its work...and all the bad kinds of work...heavy lifting, fiddling, organizing...and I enjoy organizing...but not when I am being made to do it. Then it bugs me. But one of the things about packing is that I am just not any good at it. I am a very distractable person. I will be packing a box of DVD's, remember that I have one in the other room...leave to go get it, and next thing I know I am looking thru an old photo album, or even worse just staring blankly out the window trying to remember what exactly I went into that particular room for in the first place. And then there is the packing of the clothes...this always wraughts turmoil in my mind. First of all, this is a hard task to do quickly. Because as I am trying to pack I have to choose which lucky articles of clothing get left out for me to live in over the next few days during the move. I personally always end up leaving out way too much and then only wear one outfit for 3 days in a row. Now as I am trying to fold everything else neatly and pack them up I begin noticing things. One for example is the clothes I forgot I had. And then I think "hmm...maybe THIS is what I should leave out to wear, its so cute...why don't I ever wear this?" So my pile of "do not pack" clothes grows steadily larger, as the "pack me" pile grows smaller and smaller. Then there are the clothes I should probably get rid of. I don't know if it is because I am messy, clumsy, or just had a bad habit of wearing my "good" clothes to work at the restaurant, but it seems a huge portion of my clothing have permanent stains on them. Yet for some reason, I cant give these up. Why you might ask? well...because these clothes are my favorites. Obviously. Otherwise they would still be in perfect condition like all of those other clothes I forgot I owned. You see the lucky (or I should say not so lucky) favorites get worn to death. And I am not exaggerating here...ask my mother, I wear my clothes until they disintegrate. And even then they still sit in a drawer until somebody else sneaks it out of there and throws it away without my knowing. Now during my last 2 or 3 moves I have gotten rid of lots of clothes...and I mean lots. Garbage bags full. But I can't get rid of anymore...i really can't, because if I did...I would have none left. I am running out. Especially if I want to leave the house with a top that isn't stained (which I usually do anyways because they are my favorite and I can't afford new ones). Another thing I learned as I was "packing" my clothes is that it seems I have an obsession with collecting a few specific garments...wifebeaters, sports bras, and stretch/pajama pants. I seriously have over 25 wifebeaters, 10 sports bras, and 15 pairs of stretch pants. I don't know how this happened?? And why can't I be obsessed with something a little more useful...like a nice pair of jeans or a nice shirt without stains??

Anyways if you are still reading (that was a very long rant...I apologize) I will wrap things up. Those little guys in the picture ^ those are my latest toys. I have pretty much finished my obligations on the knitting front, but I am not sure what to start now...it has to be something easy that won't get in the way during the move...but that also will take long enough to keep me occupied for a week...as that is how long the move will take. Well kind of...I mean if you count starting from today even though we don't actually leave here until Tuesday...but we already started packign...so we are in the moving processs...so yeah. Oy. I think i better end this here before it turns ugly.


At 7:33 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Just wondering which pattern source you have to make those cute little toys?

At 2:32 PM, Blogger drea said...

I actually just made them up as I went along...i could probably right up the pattern for you though if you would like


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