i'll knit if i want to...or not

So this use to be my knitting blog, now its a purging place for all of my ramblings...whether it be craft, cooking, or just the craziness of my everyday life!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

classic fads

hello hello...been a few days...a bit distracted with the cat and settling into our new routine. first things first...isn't that just an adorable little lemon (unripe) it is on the tree out front. ok on to good stuff...

exciting news...i drove for the first time by myself today in the town. i have been a bit nervous (opposite side of the car/road, different rules..ect.) but I am proud to say that it went very smoothly except when i left the bakery i got into the wrong side of the car (the side with no pedals or steering wheel...so that was a little embarassing...heheh)

after i got back we had some lunch and then i packed us up some tea in a thermos to go enjoy by the lake. on the way back i was struck with a memory from my childhood...encouraged by the title of my latest knitted item the "fad classic" (which by the way is finished and blocked and just drying on the table...as soon as it is dry i will try it on and take a picture)...so anyways...fashions. Now when you are young...you only have so much control over what you wear...I had this particular pair of pants ( I am pretty sure they were a hand-me-down from one of the older sisters). Now these pants...how can I put this...well they were navy blue, as required by school uniform. but they had a little extra "pizaz" built in. they were a version of what you might call "mc hammer pants". these cotton pants had 2 triangles (big ones) sewn on to each leg-side that you crossed over and buttoned on the other side. Now as if that isn't bad enough I have a distinct memory of very often unbuttoning said pants and holding the triangle corners out while signing "can't touch this". and i am pretty sure i tried to talk a few of my friends into buying a pair, because lets face it, they were really freaking cool. I also remember wearing my moms bra to class in 2nd grade and convincing all of my teachers that my name was renee (which is actually my middle name), and they didn't find out i was lying until they referred to me as renee during parent-teacher conferences.

anyways back to present day, i have started a pair of socks for JFC. But cross your fingers because I am pretty much just winging them. I also want to do a teapot cover and Orangina by glampyre and a sweater of my own design...we'll see what actually gets accomplished. as for a quick cat update, i think "she" is a "he", and seems to be responding to the name "puss" and is well a bit nuts. gets frantic anytime anyone goes near the kitchen and wakes me up every morning at 7 a.m. to be fed. attacked me when i was knitting (beware, if a cat stares at you when working with string..they are probably gearing up to pounce). Last but not least...we have been trying to spritz him with water whenever he jumps on the counter so he learns not to...we thought this was working very well until i woke up this morning and say little dirty paw prints ALL OVER the kitchen counters/sink/ect. Eh...he is one little disobedient fella. well time to get some knitting done (wow this was a long one)..oh WAIT hahaah one more thing...it seems i have a weird yawning problem. whenever i am walking or excercising i start yawning and I mean nonstop really gianormous yawns. what do you think that means??? maybe i don't take deep enough breaths? i once heard you yawn cause you are getting enough oxygen to the brain?? hmmmmm


At 12:12 AM, Blogger Saskia said...

it's true, you yawn when you don't get enough oxygen, at least, I've heard and experienced that a couple of times before. Maybe it's because you live higher uphill than you used to...

At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm the same way too about yawning. >< It's not fun. Have fun with Orangia! I'm actually starting the flower/ivy scarf. Yay for glampyre!! *waves*


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