Things that make you
So late on Monday afternoon JFC and I headed to the Peanut Barrel with 2 friends to play the Settlers of Catans (the funnest game ever of discovery, settlement and trade). Being that it was only about 4 or 5, it was pretty empty and we sat down at a big table, ordered a couple of beers and were quietly enjoying our game. There were 2 college students sitting behind us, one of which was a young lady who was getting steadily more tipsy as the minutes passed. Her male friend she was sitting with gets up to go to the bathroom and she decides to turn to our table and have a little chitty-chat.
Mid sentence she decides (and verbalizes rather loudly) that JFC's friend was really quite good looking. I informed her unfortunately that he was married. This is when the little hussy turns to JFC and declares "he isn't so bad either" as she tenderly tucks his hair behind his ear.
I was a little stunned and gently mentioned that actually...he belonged to me. She turned back to her table and as soon as her male friend returned from the bathroom she began attempting to canoodle with him. Talk about a girl on the prowl.
On to the knitting my friends...
It has been pretty slow going on this Novella Socks from Knit 2 Together. The pattern is quite intricate and was taking me ages for every single row. After doing the first set of the 16 row repeat of the stitch pattern though I am finally going a bit quicker. I also started using the needle-less cable method which has made a huge difference. I am still enjoying watching all of the colors change in my kool-aid yarn as well.
Even though this project is now moving along more quickly, I think I am still itching to start another project on the side...a sweater with some nice boring stockinette maybe....
Yesterday as I was looking for face paint at Michael's for my boss (don't ask) I happened upon this 100% wool from Lion Brand that was on sale. I am thinking Knee socks, with maybe some fair isle (think: squirrels) around the top band. heh heh
I also got the new Interweave. And I l.o.v.e. this sweater:
So I bought this yarn to make it. It is from my favorite LYS Woven Art where the owner totally helped me find everything I needed. That dark gray yarn is superfine alpaca, and being wrapped up in a fluffy cloud it is so soft.
Remember in my last post how we went to our friends farm? Well he gave me an entire yard bag full of alpaca and llama fibre. The gray and white is the llama and that gorgeous chocolate brown is the alpaca. One of the women at Woven Art told me about a place in Frankenmuth that will card and clean it for me so i can take it back to NZ.
And because I seem to have an addiction to Knitting books and I just can't help myself...I picked up this little diddy about a week a go....Greetings from the Knit Cafe.
And this is probably my favorite pattern out of the book:
And now this post is so incredibly long that it must end.
wow, lot of knitting adventures + one hussy! Seems it's the time for long posts (you should see mine);-) could knit your daaad a replacement sweater for that ratty old Polo you think he should just put patches on!!!
Woven Art is where I learned to knit and for some unfathomable reason I haven't been back. You've inspired me to stop in there. SOON! I have admired that sweater in Interweave, I like your color choices and will watch for you progress. You are going to make a sweater for your dad aren't you? How can you resist that plea? :)
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