i'll knit if i want to...or not

So this use to be my knitting blog, now its a purging place for all of my ramblings...whether it be craft, cooking, or just the craziness of my everyday life!

Friday, March 31, 2006


As I sit at JFC's computer taking pictures of myself with the webcam, my mind is scanning thru the lists of things I SHOULD be doing. Like finishing up the gifts I need to mail out so they get there by the birthdays they are intended for. Or packing up some boxes for the move. Or finishing the singlet I started 3 days a go, which I promptly set aside after finishing the "fun part". Or starting the camisole I bought the pattern for...or working on Stephanie's hat that I promised her...or the socks for JFC...or the sweater I started for him last OCTOBER. Or the grocery shopping I said I would do while he went surfing...

now I am not totally lazy...I did do the laundry, tidied up and even put our "important do not lose" papers in a special binder. But now I find myself glued to this chair taking pictures of myself. Doing the whole...ok right after this one I am gonna go get busy, or in the count of 3 I am going to get up and get to that to do list.

On the productive side of things though...I did use my new earth & human friendly biodegradable wool wash. The sweater and slippers came out on the other side brillianty...its the hat I decided to block that I am a little worried about. It wasn't very tightly knit and the contact with the water let it wiggle around and loosen up so that it is now like 2 or 3 times the size it was before (which was already a bit big for my head). So I scrunched it up a bit and put it on a towel to dry and I am hoping it just shrinks back down...otherwise I will just have to carry it around with my and offer it to the first "giant head" person that crosses my path...I hope they like the kitty ears and purple tyedye.

Anyways I will hopefully do another post this evening with a picture of something besides myself (cross your fingers...like a finished lovely knit something or other)


At 3:02 AM, Blogger Saskia said...

Hi there! Here's a message all the way from the Netherlands (or Holland, same thing...)
I really love your blog and your writing style, I'm definatly going to come back and check it out regularly. I found it trough the myspace Stich & Bitch group. Here's mine, it's in Dutch so that might be challenging, but there's a lot of pictures... www.sasknitsitagain.blogspot.com
If you want to take a peak at what a Dutch starter-knitter makes.
If you need translation, let me know! ;-)


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