i'll knit if i want to...or not

So this use to be my knitting blog, now its a purging place for all of my ramblings...whether it be craft, cooking, or just the craziness of my everyday life!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Well since we have been here I have seen all kinds of crazy little critters...a Weta, Praying Mantis (such as Larry here), a Ghost Moth...and I just find them amazing. Especially the bright green ones. So I take pictures of them, because well...they are just much more interesting then your run of the mill insects I was use to seeing back home. Although now that I am paying more attention...I'm wondering what I may have neglected to see in Michigan...I think when we are back in the fall for a bit it will be like looking at everything thru new eyes. And I am very excited for that. Excited to enjoy everything that I may have taken for granted in the past few years.
Anyways...it looks like we are moving, most likely to Rotorua. We gave our 3 weeks notice today for the Ponsonby house. I'm excited for the move. It looks like we will be living on one of the lakes. Which are beautiful. And I think that it will give us much more to do...the lakes, walks, mountain biking...and the little bonuses like the LYS that i really like in downtown Rotorua. Plus we will be closer to the snowboarding and still close to the ocean and JFC's family of course.
Well I am suppose to be working on a pattern for the baby singlets I have been asked to make...instead of sneaking and writing another blog. I get so distracted. I think I need to just turn off the computer and leave the room...otherwise I won't ever get any knitting done.
Oh! I almost forgot...so the other day we are driving back to Auckland and I have my arm out the window and am literally thinking "wow this is such a nice feeling...the air temperature is perfect and feels so nice runnign along my arm and hand...and I might just write a blog about how nice this is!" when out of NOWHERE I feel this horrible little pain on my arm. I yank my arm back in the window and look down and there is this little thorn looking thing popping out of it (we were on the highway by the way...going about 110 km) so I try to pull it off and it is all sticky and it is stinging...I am confused and a little bit shocked because I have just been so violently jerked from my happy little thoughts...so I grab a piece of paper and use that to remove the "thorn". So I am now feeling alittle shaky and I look around the car to see if anyone has noticed my frantic behavior...but no one has. So I look back at my arm which is swelling a little and a rash is breaking out and I go to move up my sleeve a bit more when a WASP flies out!! This wasp flew/landed stinger first in my arm! And is still alive and on ME!!! So now I am waving my arms wildly trying to get it out of the car...which finally it does. Now JFC's brother is in the car so I am attempting to keep my cool. (Otherwise I wouldn't be surprised if there had been tears). I mean what a horrible feeling. I was so happy...just really enjoying life at that moment...and then STING...I just felt so violated...it still makes me shiver a bit.


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